Workshop “Beyond Banking”

We do not presume to tout benfido as the solution for every scenario. There are too many factors, and they change too. Millenials, for example, have different preferences than their parents. Also, certain target groups may have different expectations than the masses. In this case, the benfido platform may not be a 100 percent fit for your customers or it may not be clear which products. This is perfectly acceptable to us, because we are not interested in implementing our platform as often as possible. Rather, we want to achieve the best result for you, your customers, and ultimately for us. This is the only way to grow a long-term partnership.

If you are already absolutely sure that benfido is the perfect fit for you, we are very pleased and can hardly wait to get started with your project. However, if you are still evaluating, we will be happy to advise you individually for your use case.

  • Together with you, we look at target group, customer structure and product portfolio
  • We survey the status quo of CX in an as-is analysis
  • We analyze the touch points of your customers and consider the communication

Only when these and other results have been evaluated do we work with you to develop a clear profile of which measures are right for your customers, but also for your products and services. In addition, we find the levers of the customer experience (CX) that need to be tightened. And yes, we also suggest solutions that we do not offer.

Let’s have a chat and find out. We will be happy to show you a demo on this occasion.